Racism and the legal profession

A reading list

'What Does It Mean to Be Anti-Racist in a Profession Full of Privileged People?'
Professor Leslie Thomas QC (Master of the Bench)
Reader's Lecture, 15 February 2021

"The legal system has an outsize impact on the lives of the most marginalised. Every day, courts decide whether to send people to prison; whether to evict people from their homes; whether to separate children from their parents; and whether to block deportation, extradition or removal. In our racially unequal society, people of colour are disproportionately impacted by these decisions. Yet the judges and advocates involved in these critical decisions are overwhelmingly white and from privileged backgrounds. As a Black barrister in a predominantly white legal system, I have witnessed endemic racism in the courts - and I have seen how easy it is for legal professionals to lose sight of the human beings whose lives depend on our work. In this lecture I will talk about how barristers can challenge institutionalised racism and work towards a genuinely anti-racist legal practice."

Professor Leslie Thomas QC, is a human rights/civil liberties barrister and former Joint Head of Garden Court Chambers. He has an international practice and has appeared in many leading civil and human rights cases, (Azelle Rodney, Mark Duggan, Christopher Alder and Sean Rigg). Awards include 2012 and 2016 LALY (Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year). In 2020 he received the award for Outstanding Contribution to D&I in the UK Chambers Bar Awards. In 2020 he became Professor of Law at Gresham College and visiting Professor of Law at Goldsmiths Law School. He is currently representing many Grenfell Fire survivors and victims. Professor Thomas sits on the Equality Diversity and Inclusion sub-committee for the Inner Temple and is a member of the Bar Standards Board and its Race Equality Taskforce.

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